Aaron McCloud’s Journey from Michigan Ross to Intervene K-12

Aaron McCloud, a proud alumnus of the Ross School of Business (MBA ’09/MS ’10), reflects on his time at Ross as an era marked by excellence and an environment of high achievers. Today, McCloud is the CEO and founder of Intervene K-12, an innovative platform that offers online tutoring to students facing challenges in conventional schools.

His company addresses educational inequities by assisting underserved school districts. Through Intervene K-12, over 30,000 students have accessed culturally-sensitive online tutoring during school hours. The platform uses real-time data to refine its methodologies.

For McCloud, this mission is deeply personal. Growing up in South Central Los Angeles during the 1990s, he faced adversities, but a Navy recruiter’s belief in his potential changed his life’s trajectory. This led to a career in naval engineering and taught him the significance of tutoring. With Intervene K-12, McCloud aims to replicate the kind of support he received, focusing on academic growth and validation for every student.

At Michigan Ross, McCloud pursued an MBA and an MS in naval architecture and marine engineering. The support he received from the Black Business Students Association (BBSA) left an indelible mark on him. He emphasized the importance of this community and its role in his success and that of Intervene K-12.

As Intervene K-12 grows, the company is expanding its services, launching an app named Dr. Homework to further assist students. McCloud’s goal remains consistent: ensuring the growth of every scholar. He credits his mindset and his success to the foundational lessons he learned at the University of Michigan.
Read more here.

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