Customizing Success: A Travel-Loving MBA Student’s Journey at Kellogg

Victoria Alao: Defying Conventions, Shaping Her Career, and Thriving at Kellogg

Victoria Alao is not one to conform or hold back. By day, she tackles complex data as part of her role on an international regulatory team. By night, she dazzles social media with carefully curated outfits. With a penchant for globe-trotting, Victoria has explored 56 countries, many on her own. Her journey led her to Kellogg, where she found a community that embraces individuality, fosters diversity, and supports each other’s quests for success.

An Education Tailored to Adventure

Victoria’s love for travel remains a constant in her life. Therefore, she sought an MBA program that could flex with her dynamic lifestyle. Kellogg’s part-time Evening & Weekend Program provided the flexibility she craved, allowing her to create a personalized curriculum from over 300 class options. She juggles her studies with her travels, seamlessly blending her passions.

Learning with Real-World Impact

Victoria values in-person interactions and often opts for on-campus classes. One standout course, “Leading and Managing Teams,” became her favorite, offering practical lessons she could immediately apply at work. It emphasized the importance of preparation and empowering colleagues, a lesson she put into practice with impressive results.

Accessible Professors and a Supportive Community

At Kellogg, professors not only bring expertise but also an open-door policy. Victoria appreciates their willingness to engage with students, fostering a supportive environment for learning. Beyond professors, the entire Kellogg community rallies around its members, offering unwavering support through challenges and celebrations.

A Journey Towards Human-Centric Work

Victoria’s Kellogg experience reaffirmed her desire to work closely with people. Currently, a regulatory manager in the food manufacturing industry, she ensures products meet international and FDA regulations. While she values her role, she aspires to expand into more people-oriented and creative areas.

Inspiring the Next Generation

Victoria doesn’t keep her dynamic experiences to herself. She uses social media to share her journey, debunking misconceptions about MBA students. Her message: pursuing an MBA doesn’t mean sacrificing creativity or individuality. She encourages prospective students to take the plunge, and her endorsement carries weight, given her extensive travels.

Victoria Alao’s story is one of embracing uniqueness, pursuing passions, and thriving in an inclusive community. It’s a testament to the transformative power of education, the value of individuality, and the boundless possibilities an MBA can offer.
Read more here.

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