My Scholarship Journey at Imperial College Business School

Education: I graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Information Sciences and Technology from The Pennsylvania State University in 2018.

Nationality: I’m Indian.

Scholarships: Receiving the Dean’s Impact Scholarship was a dream come true. It validated my hard work, dedication, and potential. I was humbled by the recognition. The Imperial Excellence Scholarship motivates me to continue striving for excellence.

Why I Applied: As an international student, I wanted to further my education in an institution that values innovation and diversity. I believed my global perspective and vision aligned with Imperial’s values.

Significance: These scholarships hold immense value. As a self-funded student, they support my MBA journey and allow me to develop fintech software.

Advice for Aspiring Scholars: Embrace growth, get out of your comfort zone, and start early. Pursue your passions, and stay true to your goals. Your passion will drive your efforts and help you share your vision effectively. Good luck on your scholarship journey!
Read more here.

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