Mastering the Juggle: Navigating Executive MBA Studies and Full-Time Career

In the first installment of a three-part series, Moumita Mukhopadhyay, an Executive MBA student and professional at Tata Consultancy Services, provides insights into the delicate balance of managing a full-time career while pursuing advanced studies. Her journey, marked by challenges and triumphs, offers a glimpse into the strategies she employs to avoid burnout and stay motivated in the rigorous Executive MBA program at Imperial College Business School.

About Moumita: Moumita holds a pivotal role at Tata Consultancy Services, focusing on spearheading the digital transformation journey for a major UK-based insurance client. Her dual roles as a Project Manager and Business Analyst demand a high level of commitment and expertise.

Motivation for Pursuing an Executive MBA: Moumita’s commitment to maintaining an unwavering focus on her career while advancing her studies is driven by the unique opportunity to apply learning directly in her professional role. Despite significant responsibilities, she values being part of a diverse cohort, each member grappling with real-world business challenges.

Challenges Faced: The journey began with a new professional commitment in a foreign land, presenting immediate challenges. Moumita reflects on the transformative experience, emphasizing the importance of values as guiding principles during turbulent times. Her daily spiritual practice emerged as a constant reminder that adversity is an opportunity for growth.

Balancing Work and Studies: To excel in the demanding juggle of a full-time job and MBA studies, Moumita adheres to a well-defined routine and strategic planning. She views her workplace as a platform to apply academic knowledge, creating a harmonious relationship between her job and studies. Maintaining a balance, she engages in hobbies and philanthropic activities to stay grounded and motivated.

Tips for Staying Motivated and Avoiding Burnout: Moumita shares practical advice for fellow Executive MBA students:

  • Align coursework with career goals for practical application.
  • Leverage career services for job search support.
  • Emphasize efficient time management techniques.
  • Seek mentorship for guidance on the MBA journey and job searching.
  • Maintain resilience in the face of setbacks and rejections.
  • Consider part-time or remote roles for financial stability during transitions.
  • Set realistic expectations to avoid burnout.
  • Allocate time to disconnect from work and study for mental well-being.
  • Stay positive and persistent in job searching efforts.

A Glimpse into a Typical Day: Moumita’s routine involves early mornings for meditation and Yoga, followed by dedicated study sessions. The workweek is focused on professional responsibilities, interspersed with outdoor breaks and weekend engagements in volunteer activities and social interactions.

Key Takeaways: Acknowledging the significant load of personal and professional responsibilities, Moumita emphasizes the Executive MBA journey as an investment for a better future. With dedication and the right approach, she believes career objectives can be achieved despite the challenges of balancing work, studies, and a job search in a new location like London.
Read more here.

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