Alumni Reflections: Carolina Mattosinho Napoleao on Imperial’s Full-Time MBA

Carolina Mattosinho Napoleao, a 2019 graduate of Imperial College Business School’s Full-Time MBA, shares her transformative experience at the institution. Hailing from Brazil with a background in Mechanical Production Engineering, Carolina transitioned her career into a technology-driven industry, attributing her success to the skills and perspectives gained from the MBA program.

From Latin America to London: A Journey of Growth

Carolina’s journey began with her role at Latin America’s largest airline company, involving international exposure in Chile. Seeking to pivot her career toward technology, she found Imperial’s Full-Time MBA aligning perfectly with her aspirations.

Embracing Diversity and Leadership at Imperial

The MBA program’s emphasis on a small, diverse cohort and its location in the tech-savvy environment of London significantly attracted Carolina. The course offered an immersive experience, enabling her to interact with peers from varied backgrounds and industries, enhancing her leadership skills and self-confidence.

Favorite Memories and Club Involvements

One of her cherished memories is a business trip to Copenhagen, which provided deep insights into global business practices. She also actively participated in clubs, leading the Latin American Business Club and being part of the MBAT team, further honing her leadership abilities.

Impact on Career and Future Aspirations

Post-MBA, Carolina experienced a significant career shift, joining DiDi in a leadership role in Colombia. The MBA’s focus on innovation and practical application of skills like negotiation played a pivotal role in preparing her for new challenges in unfamiliar environments.

Advice for Prospective MBA Applicants

For future applicants, Carolina emphasizes understanding the personal and professional significance of an MBA. She advises recognizing how one’s unique experiences can contribute to the cohort, enhancing the collective learning experience.
Read more here.

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