Reflecting on the Mental ROI from HBS’s 25th Reunion

Returning from my 25th reunion at Harvard Business School (HBS), I was struck by the lasting mental return on investment (ROI) from my MBA experience. The reunion at Aldrich Hall, steeped in nostalgia, also reignited the invaluable analytical and decision-making skills fostered at HBS.

More Than Networking: A Deeper Value

While HBS’s powerful network is well-acknowledged, the reunion reinforced the deeper value of the HBS education. Engaging with fellow alumni in a dynamic case discussion about Direct to Consumer (DTC) brands, I reconnected with the rigorous academic discipline that HBS instilled.

Leveraging HBS Skills in Diverse Roles

My post-MBA journey, transitioning through various industries, underscores the versatility and adaptability gained from HBS. These skills have been crucial in my current role as an MBA admissions consultant, where I apply HBS’s mental models and frameworks to guide applicants effectively.

Long-Term Impact of an HBS Education

Attending a session on the future of the MBA program, I saw HBS’s ongoing commitment to relevance and value. The mental ROI from the HBS MBA extends well beyond academic years, enhancing professional and personal endeavors.

This reflection from the HBS reunion highlights the enduring impact of an MBA from a premier institution like HBS, transcending the conventional metrics of success.
Read more here.

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