#WhartonWritings: Hello Wharton

After a journey that began three years ago I’m at Wharton for my MBA. Some felt I was too old. Others felt that they’d never accept a second MBA. The term “overrepresented category” was frequently thrown about. But here I am.

Perhaps I’m overestimating the time I’ll have but I’m hoping to use this blog to document my musings as I navigate what I’m sure will be an incredible journey.

The start of the journey is somehow both anti-climatic and overwhelming. Anti-climatic because ever since I was admitted I’ve had so many people reaching out to me congratulating me on the bright future ahead – yet all I can think of right now is that I have no money. The Wharton MBA journey begins with me broke and hungry even as my roommate cooks a three-course meal.

Yet it’s overwhelming all the same. In my first week in the US I haven’t even visited the campus yet but it’s the little things that surprise. My fridge dispenses drinkable water. There are no fans in my apartment. And just the environment:

As weird as the left-hand drive is the wide open avenues surrounded by well-maintained greenery are a pleasure to drive on:

I don’t exactly recall what I told Wharton my post-MBA goal was, but at the moment it is to have a job that will allow me to purchase every one of these board games:

I wonder how it is that America can have just a third of the population of India yet have places such as Target and Trader Joe’s which is so much bigger than things in India. I also wonder if the US is weird for having traffic lights for humans, or if I’m weird for finding that surprising. For at least a billion people such a thing is unheard of.

But I’ve come to appreciate the walkability of things – I didn’t realize until I came here how nice it would be to have large sidewalks:

So this is how it all starts. Marveling at the sidewalks of Philadelphia.

I cannot wait for the journey ahead.

Read the entire #WhartonWritings series here.

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